“Greed is Good” according to Gordon Gecko. It seems some people are still living with this mantra. Here’s an example of something I hate. Change your listing by a stupid amount so that it remains on the “hotsheets” or e-mailing lists. WTF? Are people that stupid?
Here’s an example of what are you thinking?
This place only was listed three days ago. In the delusional land of Newport Beach where legend has it that parties thrown by Dennis Rodman can exceed most people’s mortgages a month this guy will be throwing a party if he could find a sucker for this place.
For a “close” to $1.5 million you can have this one in Newport Heights
Now don’t get me wrong, the place looks nice but if you think you can get close to a million profit from the $541,000 you paid in 1999 then good luck.
What ticks me off is that it showed up as a price change today from it’s original list price of $1,499,999 to $1,499,998. That’s right…one Frickin dollar change. What an a***hole realtor and greedy owner.
I have now figured out what we should all do for listings like this. Submit an offer!! Not the normal low-ball offer but one where you sneakily move the decimal. So instead of $1,499,999 submit an offer for $149,999.99. If you do this often enough you might find a stupid and greedy person that might accept it. After all, how do you think people get scammed from Nigeria for thousands of dollars? Greed and stupidity. A deadly combination to say the least.
They might be so excited that they think they got an offer for “full price” that they will fax over that acceptance reply right away. Then when they realize it’s not right you can sue for breach of contract. That should float some of that greedy equity out of them.
Here’s another delusional kool-aid sipping Coke-A-Mesta head that thinks his place is worth over a million:
While this one didn’t drop his place by a stupid dollar like above he is still in la-la land. Check out his own personal golf course in the backyard. This complex sold an exact model like this recently for $650k. That’s right, half of what he is asking. Does he think the sunset that you can see from over a mile away counts for ocean front?
Here’s an example of what are you thinking?
This place only was listed three days ago. In the delusional land of Newport Beach where legend has it that parties thrown by Dennis Rodman can exceed most people’s mortgages a month this guy will be throwing a party if he could find a sucker for this place.
For a “close” to $1.5 million you can have this one in Newport Heights
Now don’t get me wrong, the place looks nice but if you think you can get close to a million profit from the $541,000 you paid in 1999 then good luck.
What ticks me off is that it showed up as a price change today from it’s original list price of $1,499,999 to $1,499,998. That’s right…one Frickin dollar change. What an a***hole realtor and greedy owner.
I have now figured out what we should all do for listings like this. Submit an offer!! Not the normal low-ball offer but one where you sneakily move the decimal. So instead of $1,499,999 submit an offer for $149,999.99. If you do this often enough you might find a stupid and greedy person that might accept it. After all, how do you think people get scammed from Nigeria for thousands of dollars? Greed and stupidity. A deadly combination to say the least.
They might be so excited that they think they got an offer for “full price” that they will fax over that acceptance reply right away. Then when they realize it’s not right you can sue for breach of contract. That should float some of that greedy equity out of them.
Here’s another delusional kool-aid sipping Coke-A-Mesta head that thinks his place is worth over a million:
While this one didn’t drop his place by a stupid dollar like above he is still in la-la land. Check out his own personal golf course in the backyard. This complex sold an exact model like this recently for $650k. That’s right, half of what he is asking. Does he think the sunset that you can see from over a mile away counts for ocean front?

Not to mention that there are plans eventually to build Banning Ranch with 1,375 homes and shops in development in the park area which is his view. Now what will that do the view?
Since he is asking 1,249,000 I think we should submit offers like this for $124,999 or $124,900. At least it will waste the realtor’s time since if they do see the decimal in the wrong place they may actually call you to see if was accidently placed wrong. Good for a laugh at least.
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