Are realtors that desperate, (yep), that they will post pictures like this and expect the unit to sell? Congratulations you get the gold medal for this week's worst attempt to sell a unit

Neighborhood aside, let's look at the realtor's description: "This is a great starter home or great for investor. The tenant is out and property is cleaned up, come see for yourself." Really?? Then why don't you get your lazy realtor a** over there and take some decent pictures?All that's missing is the trash bins in that extra storage area in the back you show kindly showed us.
Again are realtors that desperate to take this kind of listing? At least have the person clean it up before posting it. The realtor needs to take charge and say "Lakeesha it's time to clean your room" And don't come out until it's clean. Check out the food that's on the tray in a plastic bag on the bottom right. Wonder if that's still there?
Now these people if they didn't take out some greenbacks in refinancing have some equity in this place. Based on only the $586 they pay in property taxes they should have some money left over to hire a cleaning service at least. It doesn't get any better in the living room:

Do the extra fans come with this place? Because it's hot as hell when you get north of the 405.
I love this line from the realtor: Has a huge lot for room to add on or for that pool you've always wanted. Like that will happen in a million years. Someone buying this small dump built in 1948 has dinero left over for a pool? Our rookie realtor continues: "Hardwood floors throughout and new vanity and faucet in bath. Lots of possibilites here."Are those hardwood floors in the living room? No, really are they? Because I can't tell. It looks like the living room used some of that left over linoleum from the kitchen.
With the median wage earner in this neighborhood earning as much as the local drifter in my neighborhood that collects cans they'd have to put down $53,000. Figuring payments, taxes. and insurance you're looking at approximately $1,750/mo. Too much for even an investor to bail these people out on a 60 yr. old building. I assume this realtor has another job because she isn't going to be selling many homes with listings like this.
Update: I just finished posting this when I came across this picture:
Too funny. Nothing says buy my house more than throwing in a couple of extra couches and a recycle bin. Again, another realtor so desperate for a listing that she couldn't wait a couple of days after trash day. If this was an Olympic event than you get the silver for "stupid realtor pictures". Congratulations.
Not to leave the Huntington area out of the mix. This one is in Fountain Valley actually. The listing agent describes this as built in barbecue. Looks more like a rejected toaster oven taken out of the trash bin. Too you Fountain Valley we give the bronze medal for an overpriced 70's disco era house with some bad kitchen linoleum and other accessories. But this is not a barbecue for summer outdoor eating.

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